
We're Finalists in the TCT Post-Processing Award!

We're Finalists in the TCT Post-Processing Award!

Our MARS02 BJP Depowdering System has made us finalists for a big award in the world of 3D printing – the TCT Post-Processing Award.

What's the MARS02 BJP Depowdering System? It’s a special machine we designed to make cleaning up after binder jet printed parts easier and smarter. It helps remove leftover powder from printed objects and even recycles the powder so it can be used again. This is great for the environment and saves money too!

The TCT Post-Processing Award is all about celebrating the best innovations that make 3D printing even better. Being a finalist means our machine is not only cool but also really makes a difference in how things are made.

We couldn’t have gotten this far without our amazing team and everyone who supports us. This nomination is a big win for all of us together. Stay with us for more exciting updates, and let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in 3D printing!

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